11 Coffee Quotes That I Love

Whether it is Hammerhead, Long Black or a Latte Macchiato, if you love coffee there is a strong chance that is a fiery love. A savage love. The ‘I can’t live without you’ love. Trust me. This is coming from someone who recently went through an excruciating coffee detox. And I learnt that there is no life without coffee. Warm weather be damned. Let winter come out of it’s hiding place. A hot cup of coffee is ideal for any and all good occasions. Ha! Bad too. I know, in some part of the world there are arguments on whether this glorious drink is good or bad for us and on how many cups can be consumed in a day. But does that really stop us from our undying love for coffee?

If you are a follower of my blog, you would by now know my love for coffee is eternal and immortal. And that’s exactly why I began the series If we were having coffee here, every Monday. There were days when my day started and ended with coffee. Even when husband and I were dating, we always ended up choosing a coffee shop over others. To top it all, I have uncovered 11 of my favorite coffee quotes that would warm your heart just like your morning cup warms your soul.


Isn’t this what coffee means to you? Well, this is exactly how it means to me!


At least one cup a day. A large cup though.


Oh, I second that! I wouldn’t say I am an introvert. But I like traveling in silence.


Told you, I tried giving up coffee. Those were the worst days of my life. Literally.


Ha! “What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book and a cup of coffee?”, said Anthony Trollope.


Don’t know? You ought to experience that.


That is my battle cry on most days. And on the rest of the days, it’s the one below.


id-rather-take-coffee-than-compliments-just-now-8Ha! Bliss.


That goes without saying.


What have you got to say on that?

Do you have some favorite coffee quote? Share them in the comment section below.

This post is for Day 27 of UBC and Daily Chatter


  1. Can’t live without my coffee! Great quotes here.


  2. I was having coffee while reading this. Coffee is divine!

    “I believe humans get a lot done, not because we’re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee.” – Flash Rosenberg


  3. Love the quotes. Coffee is more than that but yes, I can’t do with bad coffee. I spend most of my times in coffee shop indulging the self. There is no life better than coffee.


  4. I start my morning with green tea.But midmorning I need my cup of coffee.
    I love coffee dates.The quote about bolting the door describes what I do on holidays.


  5. Love yours, but my favorite is: I am not addicted to coffee, we are just in a committed relationship 🙂


  6. I like the saying “coffee gets you going”. It could be what gets you out of bed, but I usually see it with a picture of someone sitting on the toilet. And after all, that should get you out of bed too.


  7. no coffee fan, but loved the quotes…cheers


  8. You are my coffee partner Shalini. I loved all the quotes. It seriously makes me work and brings back sanity within!


  9. I’d rather take coffee than compliments just now, that made me laugh!😊
    You really are a true blue Coffee Lover, Shalini! I am a Chai fan, but make excellent filter kaapi :))) Whenever you’re in Bangalore I hope you’ll come home and let me make it for you too 😊


  10. love the quotes as well your love for coffee i am not much found of caffeine diets but have it occasionally btw totally with your thoughts coffee are best partners when it comes to date with yourself


  11. I am not a big fan of coffee..more of a tea lover but can see your love of coffee through these posts 🙂


  12. I think giving up caffeine is worse than giving up a lover – LMFAO! 😉


  13. Wow what fantastic quotes Shalzz! Err….my mouth is watering for some strong filter coffee now! Coffee at night? No I’ll have it tomorrow morning as usual with my hubby and share these quotes with him! Love and hugs dearie 🙂


  14. Coffee is like fresh air to me and you made me fall in love again with these quotes 🙂


  15. Awesome quotes on coffee 🙂 I was on a holiday recently and was introduced to French Vanilla coffee at Tim Horton’s and I am in love with it. I crave it with all my being 🙂


  16. I was only familiar with Sandra Bullock’s thoughts.
    OH- and if coffee is burnt (different from bitter), I always pass. Which saves me a lot of money since one fo the largest US vendors only serves their wares in such a fashion.


  17. pratikshya2 says:

    Love these quotes.. love coffee.. cappuccino for me if we meet and chat over coffee 😉


  18. Ah coffee! Sadly, I gave up hot coffee recently as I used to love it black and super strong. Not good for health I believe and it was generating a lot of heat in my body (like I’m not hot enough :P)! Do switched to tea!

    But I still am a sucker for cold coffee. Cold, dark, bitter and creamy! Takes my breath away! 🙂


  19. Lata Sunil says:

    All these coffee quotes makes me want some right now. But I like the traditional kaapi and an experiment sometimes.


  20. I don’t have quote to add but I do love these ones. Especially the one about the coffee, book, music & bolted door. You said it best – bliss.



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