Family Welfare Meets #AtoZChallenge

They say, Army is all about fun. They picture, the Army Wives with a glass of wine in hand and dance away to glory at the parties. They feel, all we do is dress in the finest of clothes and live a life of luxury.

Yes. We do all that! But, not only that!

Tell me, how many times in life do we do things which make an impact on another individual? That whatever we do or say has got a positive effect on someone else’s life? Their family?

Family Welfare Meets are a way of such interactions in which we, the Army Wives have sessions or meetings with the fellow soldier’s family. These sessions help in shedding their inhibitions regarding their traditions, their upbringing, or even their innate fear. We also talk about their personal issues and help them in any possible way.

We also conduct programs by bringing in eminent speakers, doctors, psychologists who could listen to them and discuss on some vital concerns including health, hygiene, child-care, the need of employment and social issues. We help them pick up a hobby or so, nurture skill development for families, develop interests in unexplored areas like quilling, stitching, weaving, crafting, flower arrangements, jewelry making, thereby making them self-sufficient and independent. We also help them learn to read and write, especially English and Hindi.

Of course, we try to make it fun through entertainment programs, brain-tickling exercises, dance and music. It feels great when a soldier’s wife, holds your hand and say that such meets are refreshing, having had the opportunity to come out of their homes, from their kitchen and baby-sitting.

It helps us too- the Officers’ wives. It helps in setting ourselves free.

We often get surprised by the inner strength and maturity that comes to us.

We could easily relate to the issues in hand and there may also be many scenarios which are already familiar to you, or which keeps playing at the back of your mind.

The underlying truth is we help one another in gathering the courage to support our family through tough times, especially when your soldier is away in difficult locations, guarding our frontiers.

It is to be on his shoes, be the head of the family when situation calls in or seem hopeless.

It is to provide comfort in knowing that we are not alone and offer support and encouragement so that we all will continue walking the path of healing and rejuvenation with our soldier  and try our bit to help and succeed in giving our undivided attention.

So, tell me. Wouldn’t you do your best to heal a shattered soul and quieten those silent screams? Who better than us can understand these,as we are never promised a tomorrow?

I am Married to the Olive Green and I’m writing about the 26 things which I get to do/experience that you as a Civilian wife do not! 


I hope you come back again tomorrow!

Meanwhile, here is an easy Chicken recipe from my Food Blog to try out!

I’m on co-host Pam’s Unconventional Alliance Team along with Parul from Happiness and Food, Rajlakshmi from The Twinkle Eyed Traveler andDestiny’s Child and Claire from A Field Trip Life


  1. a very heartwarming post and the last line – never promised a tomorrow is resounding and thought provoking.

    Karan – Fearful


  2. I’m liking this… getting to know the inner side of Army life!


  3. Hats off to you for who you are and for this series. 🙂 I agree, family welfare is very important.


  4. You know what Shalz.. you should actually start a vlog and document your life as an army wife. Atleast these 26 posts that you would be coming up with i guess the same you should make into a would be great!! 🙂 Nice writeup !!!
    @sneha_sasi from
    Life As a Potpourri


  5. the little princess says:

    A family away from family. this is heartwarming.and the support is definitely needed.

    Shubhangi @ The Little Princess


  6. The community that stays together, grows together. And supporting each other is noblest of the things a person can do!

    Nibha @ Expressions


  7. Wonderful, and much needed support system!


  8. aseemrastogi2 says:

    Can truly understand what an army family would be going through. While the life maybe glamourous at one level, there’s also a lot many challenges in such a scenario it’s always important to have a strong support system like you mentioned in one of your previous posts as well with regards to interaction with juniors or also meeting with the unit for the first time and the likes.


  9. Beat About The Book says:

    Such a support system is invaluable. I’ve heard plenty of stories of the army wives rallying together.


  10. kadambari says:

    That’s so good, such a nice support system
    do visit
    @thefuschialady from sugarandspicecookies


  11. Shilpa Garg says:

    All you army wives are doing such a noble thing. You must have so many heart-warming tales from your interactions with the families!! Do share them sometimes!


  12. inquisitivegeet says:

    You are doing such a noble thing. And I can only nod to the fact that how much such meetings must be fun and heart warming at the same time 🙂
    Kudos to you 🙂



  13. Hat’s Off to you army wives seriously!


  14. Loved your heart-warming take on the alphabet. When the world is shrinking to life inside four walls, no wonder suicides and other mishaps happen on a steady count. I believe such meets could provide that long needed support to troubled minds.


  15. How beautifully you have written about Army wives association. My mom used to teach Bihu, crocheting and organise games … It was actually nice to see Mom busy with so many activities.

    A Whimsical Medley
    Twinkle Eyed Traveller


  16. This is such a great thing Shalini. Support from the society is so important. Also a good place to meet people.Thanks for sharing Shalini.
    @KalaRavi16 from


  17. What an awesome idea! And you are right. As a civilian mom, I have to figure out how to go hunt down my own support group. No Family Welfare Meets to bail me out of the kitchen. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Good read :).
    Salutes your inner strength and the way you use it to motivate and solve the problems by Family welfare Meets.

    Loved this one !

    Liked by 1 person

  19. RamyaRao says:

    Very well written Shalz. I understand how important these meets are. And its true, its more than handing a glass of wine in hand.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Spreading good will and cheer – good job 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  21. fabulus1710 says:

    True! Everyone needs a support, a helping hand, and a strong shoulder to hold when the times get rough. And the men in green face the worst times, with heartbreaking experiences. These meets are really necessary.
    I’m learning so much more about the army life through your posts. Keep going 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I love reading your posts….I think the GOI should make you in charge of their recruitment and PR campaigns for the Defence forces. Many men are reluctant to join the Services because many women don’t want to be going all over the place, staying out of boxes and being the shadow in her man’s life.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Nice! It’s good that you have a great community and support each other. Cheers!
    Do drop by my blog, 2 AMWriter

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I’m sure the support system such activities build is precious in the tough times when the army-men are stationed far away. Besides the joy of connecting with like-minded women who feel the same way for welfare issues must be wonderful 🙂
    Loving every gem you’ve posted thus far as part of the challenge 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Yes, Family welfare is the place where we all grow and learn so much! Love your choices for the AtoZ.



  1. […] shoes, to be head of the family when situation calls in or seem hopeless. And I’m glad I am doing my bit in comforting a fellow soldier’s family, offering support and encouragement so that we all […]


  2. […] The post Family Welfare Meets, helped in showing the other side of the Army Wives and I’m glad I could emblazon that on […]


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