What’s for lunch, Honey?

Photo-a-day Challenge“ prompts me for Lunch today! Well, that’s the best prompt ever for me 🙂  If you ask me what my favorite cuisine is, I’ll without a doubt say Chinese! Yeah, and not Indian.  And my favorite among them is Honey glazed Crispy Prawns. The day I cook Prawns like that, I’ll consider myself as a Chef. For now, I’m just an amateur.

ClayPot Chicken

“People who love to eat, are always the best people”- Julia Child

Wanna know the recipe? Visit me at Something’s Cooking 🙂



  1. Bikramjit says:

    oh yess I loved the last quote as it makes me NICe tooo as I can do anything when it comes to food he he he he 🙂


  2. Yum, clay-pot chicken. I am so hungry 🙂


  3. Shalini…I love ur version of Clay pot chicken..This is one dish we regularly order here in the Chinese restaurant!!


  4. Looks yumm ! btw, Now you’ve come to my old theme 😀


  5. I am also in the photo a day challenge but on instagram… good idea to post it on blog too.. I am too lazy to do that.. 😛


  6. Wow, that looks delicious! My mouth is watering!


  7. Oh my god it looks so delicious!


  8. DROOOOOOL! I love Chinese food but I think I love Indian food more with the yummy spices. Wish I was good at cooking it but I can barely do boring North American fare. Just the basics but I do love baking fattening desserts. I always love your photos and recipes. Thanks for sharing!



  9. Hi Shalini,the dish looks yummy. Actually I am a vegetarian. My son and grand children like prawns very much. I have told my DIL to cook this. I am sure they will like it.


  10. 🙂 Thanks a lot for your kind words 🙂 Keep visiting my new space for more yummy recipes ❤


  11. kentuckygal50 says:

    Oh my goodness, that looks DELICIOUS! Even if you are an amateur, you are streaks above me. :O) I like Chinese food too; my favorite cuisine is Greek.


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