Forever alone No more- 2

Clock shows: 11.45am / Date:02Feb13

Singlehood ends in: 25 hours  

Shakespeare Idioms Used: Be-all and End-allBudge an inchBag and Baggage

Still no messages…. Wow!!

With a heavy heart, I turn to Mom.

“Mom, how will he be?”, I asked.

I don’t know him- a typical arranged marriage with all its flaws. It’s been about ten months after the engagement, but still I don’t know him. Yes, 10 MONTHS! All I know is that he is not the “romantic show-offs type” who constantly called or text-ed. Forget calls, he hasn’t even met me once in these 10 months!!

I remember, it was in October and was one of those days, where he texts Good morning, by say 11am, and a GoodPC: night at 11pm. Yeah, that was all I got. And I couldn’t take it anymore. I never wanted him to send me lovey-dovey messages! I didn’t want him to call me every single day, every hour of the day! But yeah, a little consideration that I am his fiancee! That would have been okay for me. So, after shedding much tears and deliberation, I decided to give him an ultimatum. I texted him (read a long message) stating that if he is not interested, we could always call off the wedding. I had then kept my phone in silent mode and slept through the night. I was amazed to find 36 missed calls and messages from him the next day, trying to woo me back. And yes, I had received that little consideration then!

And now, on the eve of our wedding, he hasn’t budged an inch. Hence, the dilemma in my heart was pretty natural.

Mom says, “Darling, it’s not the be-all and end-all. There is a long way to go and it has not even started. I guess he is more like Dad- who never brought flowers or chocolates or took us to a movie or a restaurant unless we probed him for days or weeks. But you know something Molu, there is so much love in his heart for me and for you both. The same will be with your man as well. You’ll have to trust me in this. He is going to know everything about you sip your favorite cup of coffee every evening, how you dance, how your face looks underneath your makeup, how you love chocolate, how you can be hyper at times…actually most of the times…, how you love your TV Shows and make you really happy, how you cannot keep a book down until you read it till the end, how you get cranky when you’re tired. He’s going to know everything about you. But you know what, as I said, I’m sure he’s going to adore you and love you…like no one has ever done or ever do!”

I am very sad. I will be leaving home bag and baggage with ‘him’. But, he!

I weep like a two-year old….

P.S: Extracted from my post- Lessons of Love

Previous>>Forever alone No more-1

‘Written for the A-Z challenge 2015′



  1. I just can’t get my head around the idea of an arranged marriage and am surprised this still happens in the 21st century. Sorry, I hope that’s not offensive. Different cultures have different traditions, I’m glad it all worked out for you. 🙂


  2. Awww. Hugs. But your mom is very wise woman. Listen to her words. A bunch of roses cannot replace the early morning tea when you just don’t to get out of bed. For the roses you can always swipe his card 😛 Thanks for the smile 🙂


  3. Guess! It’s a big change but you made me smile reading the post:)


  4. Shouldn’t P be commenting on this, T? 😛


  5. Can’t wait to read more!


  6. I love what your mom said – “It’s not the be all, end all”- seems a bit intriguing! As always, love your post!


  7. Awww, that really happened ? You sent him longgg text threatening him ? 😀

    It feels as if I’m in that scene when I read it. Awesome Shalzz:)


  8. I don’t think I could go through with the wedding if I hadn’t even met the guy. No way!


  9. Interesting experiences…similar to dating as well when you don’t hear from someone for a little while and then panic and wonder whether they’ve lost interest and the like! 😛


  10. Shilpa Gupte says:

    Very beautifully written, Shalini. And, husbands are all like that. Well, at least most of them are! Mine is. 🙂 Enjoyed reading your story. And, your mum was right!


  11. awww it is natural to have a apprehensions… but your mom explained everything so beautifully 🙂


  12. Before marriage the thoughts,”he loves me; he loves me not”keep hovering round you. Very cutely written.


  13. aathira123 says:

    Awww!!! This brought a smile to my face 🙂 I only know too well what it’s like to be engaged to that guy who doesn’t send mushy messages or does those big grand gestures 😀 But in the end, he gets me like no one else 🙂


  14. I love the way you are developing this theme alphabet by alphabet and can’t wait to see what you have to say for z


  15. Marriage can be sad for a girl because she has to leave her mother’s house and adjust to a new family. And she’ll have lots of expectation from her husband because he’s the only one with whom she is close in her new house. Wonderfully narrated


  16. loved the way you narrated this …chocolates and flowers are not the only way to show love, I have learnt and understood this well in my own married life of 15 years… I am happy today to have a person who is simple, and genuine.. and has his own way to express his love.. thank you for sharing !!


  17. I bet you had him worried – 36 missed calls!


  18. Totally loved it Shalini. Can’t stop smiling. VT is like that..and I can understand what you felt and do feel at times 🙂 🙂 Stay blessed!


  19. Thinking back, it was real fun, wasn’t it Shalini? Good times.. 🙂


  20. Well, hubbies are that way ! They speak less but show a lot of concern. They interact less but always watch out for us. They express less but will climb mountains if we give them an ultimatum. 🙂


  21. swathishenoy says:

    Your mom’s reply ❤ Only if I could get someone like that when it is time 😉



  22. Love the words from the mother…. so beautiful said. Will come by to see where this is heading.. Well put writings:-)


  23. Men who do not show off the love are much better than men who fake love. Unfortunately, the latter are more in number. Fortunately, you got the right person 🙂



  24. This post reminds me of my initial days after my engagement

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Lata Sunil says:

    The journey is so beautiful.. and in hindsight, they look so trivial.. loving this Shalini!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. shanayatales says:

    You gave him quite the scare with your ultimatum, Shalini. 😛
    So, the folks who were supposed to turn up in Part 1 were a no-show?
    *Shantala @ ShanayaTales*

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Sulekha says:

    36 missed calls! he sure loves you 🙂 Great advice from your mother about marriage, love mothers and their unconditional love.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Santosh Menon says:

    Still, where were the folks (From part-1)?
    (Asked about the tattoo, as I see something on your wrist)

    Liked by 1 person

  29. aww!! That scares me.. *thinking about marraige in few year* 😛 but yes… scares me 😦

    Best Kept Secret

    Liked by 1 person

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