I’m Blossom- the Powerpuff Girl!!

It’s a WOW Post!!!


As a little girl, I fancied being a Powerpuff girl. We were three friends who wanted to fight against monsters and villains. I declared myself as
blossumBlossom- head-strong and a natural born leader who knows when to speak and to just STOP and think! 🙂 I’m the one with brown eyes and loved the color Red. Chirpy, preppy, honest and just a cheerishable person, I always led my girls to victory and fun whenever we played! I always knew exactly what to say- even if it meant heart-break,insecurity or if they are just plain bored.I knew how to lift their spirit and I was very convincing.

Powerpuff girls were our lives. We could easily connect ourselves with the cartoon so much that we even color- coordinated our dresses. The girls have to deal with normal issues that we, at our young age face- sibling rivalries, going to school, a loose teeth or personal hygiene. We also had bigger issues like dealing with the Mojo Jojos in our lives and the secret plans to fight them.

We wanted the power to fly but thankfully our parents just caught us in time when we tried to fly from the top of a tree. 😛 We wanted the super powers to help others. We were never selfish and always put ourselves in other’s shoes. We wanted to help our friends solve all the home works, esp Mathematics. Every morning we arrived early in class to keep it clean and tidy. We erased the black board and updated it with the day’s date and “Quote of the Day”. But we left the class before the other students stepped in. Come on, Super heroes love their secrecy. And so did we! We never wanted to tell our friends of the little GANG which we made. It’s still a mystery as we had made a sibling pact for life! Our motto became, “Love makes the world go around”…and we constantly sang,

Blossom, commander and the leader 
Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter 
Buttercup, she’s the toughest fighter 
Powerpuffs save the day… 
Fighting crime, trying to save the world 
Here they come just in time, the Powerpuff Girls 
Fighting crime, trying to save the world 
Here they come just in time, the Powerpuff Girls 


Life was fun as a child, and wish I had these super powers to make the world a better place to live!!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. This time the prompt is “If you were given a chance to be a superhero…what power would you want and why?”


  1. Wow.. Nice Post..
    Bubbles was my favourite… :)…..


  2. preethiprasan says:

    That is a really sweet post. Bubbles was my favourite. .. 🙂


  3. Such fun you must have had!! Good thing you didn’t really fly off the top of a tree!


  4. That’s cool 😀 must have been quite some fun. I and a friend had similar ideas too.. but our ideas never went beyond the planning phase.. 😀 sigh. miss those days..


  5. I liked that song of powerpuff girls,nice read

    Super Power


  6. Blossom was my favourite, too 🙂


  7. Really sweet, Shalini 🙂
    So glad that your parents caught you in time when you ‘tried to fly from the top of a tree.’ Phew!!! 🙂
    Helping everyone is a good superhero motto 🙂


  8. Cute. The song was the best part.


  9. My daughter used to watch the Power puff girls. Your post took me back in time.


  10. oh that was cute!! I fancied Bubbles ❤


  11. Bikramjit says:

    Reminded me of power rangers. . In my time and other super heroes…
    Life is fun now too if we make it.. i think we have complicated life too much .. ☺


  12. Awesome!! Brought back memories of Powerpuff girls!! My sister used to watch it quite a bit! 😀
    I was more of a tom and Jerry and bugsBunny gal! 😀


  13. swathishenoy says:

    Hehe that was a sweet one? Really u tried to jump off a tree? :O


  14. That’s stuff super Sheroes are made off..never tell,bout ur super power. Awesome post:)



  1. […] a Blessing.. 2. Best of Friends 3. Mom, You’re the Best!! 4. I’m Blossom- the Powerpuff Girl!! 5. I’m Me-A Woman! 6. Paired Forever 7. I Was […]


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