And there, she falls in love..with her husband!

It’s a WOW Post!!


She is scared surrounded by all the senior officers and ladies in the official “Welcome Dinner”.

Yes, she was a newly wed, to the Olive Green. The morning hours of ragging getting-to-know-you-better sessions included being lifted in a typical shaky Indian “sand truck” and travelling a good 7km in that cold early morning. Little did she know, (rather he could have at least warned her of the next happenings) that many more “surprises” where in store for her.

Now, she is waiting nail bitingly. She is asked to sing in front of the entire “unit” and she politely refuses. She has never sung her entire life. She doesn’t know to sing and looks at her husband for solace.

He grabs the mike from her hand and sings, “Tum ko dekha to yeh khayal aayaaazindagi dhoop tum ghana saaya..”(When I saw you, this thought came to me, Life is a strong sun and you’re the soothing shade….)

He sings so beautifully and winks at her. It was a truly special moment where the magical transformation of arranged marriage to falling in love had happened.

And there, she falls in love..with her husband!

P.S: True story.. my story<3

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. Your post must contain the song ‘Tum ko dekha, to ye khayal aaya’


  1. I was picturing the scene in my head as I read your post. 🙂 Lovely ! Very romantic.


  2. shanayatales says:

    Awww..such a sweet love story, Shalini. Wishing you both many many years of love and togetherness. 🙂


  3. That was such a sweet story. 🙂


  4. wow, it must have been an amazing moment 🙂
    sweet post 🙂


  5. Great never-to-be-forgotten moment!


  6. A sweet memory and lovely story… but I daresay if you looked to him for solace you were perhaps already in love, in the moment before he sang 🙂


  7. Julekha Khatun says:

    Wow !…precious momemt !..and glad that your husband can sing ;)…..My hubby is a very bad singer and is pathetic with the wordings :P!


  8. Lovely to read your true WOW life-story 🙂
    The song is so special for you then! Best wishes always!


  9. Awee…. that was sweet. Stay blessed always 🙂


  10. wow that’s so sweet of him!


  11. Very nice post! Its true that small expressions of love and care make strong bondings! Lucky you!


  12. Wow! That’s so romantic! Loved this slice of your life, Shalini!
    Hope you are having a great time reading, writing and connecting with fellow A to Zers, Shalini 🙂
    Shilpa Garg
    Co-Host AJ’s wHooligan for the A to Z Challenge 2014


  13. shailajav says:

    Now that was sweet! How adorable of your husband to do that for you 🙂 May you always be happy together ❤


  14. Wow! Congratulations on such a beautiful story 🙂


  15. I love these love stories!!
    P.S. I don’t know if my last comment came or not :/


  16. I love these stories of falling in love after the wedding! The ‘love marriage’ stories are so awfully mundane in front of them. 🙂


  17. So true.. Shalz.. It is indeed a mystery how the love buds in an arranged marriage!! It has to be in some sudden moment.. like dis.. loved it 🙂


  18. Ayayay! That was sweet! 🙂


  19. How lovely, Shalini. I love it when arranged marriages turn to love! 🙂


  20. I am so happy for you — how wonderful that moment must have been. Now we know!



  1. […] And there, she falls in love..with her husband! […]


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