A New Beginning

She sits by his window
And stares at the moon
And on his cd player
Is the same old tune
She knows every word
Every line in each song
Its always on repeat
And she starts to hum along

All the stars spell his name
All the photos tell a tale
And she smiles, sheds a tear
Her reflection ever pale
She remembers all the good times
Every minute, every day
But in her eyes she is haunted
And the dreams fade away
She doesn’t know what day it is
Or why she is still here
She looks at what she has packed

First Aid Box. Check.
Knife. Check.
Spectacle Case. Check.

She sits and waits by the window
For the hospital car to appear

She grabs the bag and walks to the cradle…
To see her angel,smiling all graceful..
Her eyes sings a song,
the song of courage..

I promise you My sweetheart….
I’ll never let any angel n its mommy want for love,
love from their dear one who parts …..away..”

check again,
First Aid Box. Check.
Knife. Check.
Spectacle Case. Check.

She feels him,his presence,his warmth and his words
As he holds her hand to spread a smile, a cheer

She walks to the car and smiles once again
At the glow of night and baby stars smile..

First Aid Box. Check.
Knife. Check.
Spectacle Case. Check.

now for a new beginning…

Posted for WriteOverWeekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. Sad one, Shalini.
    But, the departed one is the Guardian Angel now… Well-expressed for wow 🙂


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