Dear Best Friend..

 It’s a Spicy Saturday Pick!!!


I’m participating in the A Letter A Week, hosted by Nibha. This week asks me to write a letter to my Best Friend.happy mail

Dear Best friend,

I hope you are doing well. I have never written a letter to you and this comes all the way from my heart. I know it’s a big surprise and I’m glad I could do that. 🙂

How long have we remained friends? Seven years? Eight? I actually have no idea. But since then, you have always been on my side. You are the one closest to me. I know I can come to you and only you even after committing a crime or murdering someone. You will not judge me, you are my secret-keeper.

You have taken care of me in every single way possible. Even when I was lonely and alone or when no one else wanted to be with me or when I was shattered and torn apart. You were there even when you didn’t have to be- never giving up on our friendship, never minding all the spiteful words I said. We’ve lashed out at each other, and yet we’ve always understood why, just like yesterday 😛

You were always there- letting me sob into your shoulder when I was sad and heart-broken. I could call on you at wee-hours, not bothering whether you were just back from work or you had to be up early the next day. Even when you were tired, you always listened, without giving me bulls**t advice. You always said that everything is going to be okay and held my hand to fight the biggest demons. I can’t think of anyone who would actually take a bullet for me.

You believed in me when I was weak and confused- when I wanted to throw away my job. You boosted up morale and let me know of who I am, when I forgot. You reminded me of how excited I was when I cracked my first campus placement. You reminded of the cheerful me who said I wanted to become the CEO of the company that I was employed with. And that’s why I’m still sticking on.

So, pretty excited for your on-site trip, eh? I’m glad you could take your career to the next level and also have a blast in the US. Just a month more and you would be gone. Isn’t that sad? I would terribly miss you, dear. I know you wouldn’t let the dumb facts like distance or time to come between us.

 Thank you for being a different friend than everyone else. I haven’t told you this- but I am so lucky to have you.

Take care,



  1. I love this! Thanks for sharing. 🙂



  2. Such a sweet letter. Friends make our lives so much more exciting and worth living, don’t they?


  3. True friends, even if away from you, are close to the heart.


  4. What’s physical distance between good friends? She seems to be a special one.. keep her close.


  5. Friends like that are special and you are fortunate. May distance not destroy that friendship.


  6. pythoroshan says:

    I know it isnt the same as being there for each other but atleast Skype and whatsapp takes care of most of the need for instant relaying of news. Imagine a generation back when u were dependant on 15 buck a minute calls and letters that took 10 or more days to reach :/


  7. Friends like these always act like pillars in life!
    Thanks for linking up 🙂 Looking forward to read more of your letters 😀


  8. Such a pleasure to have friends like those, eh Shalini? I have good friends, great friends, but I am not sure if I have a best friend, other than myself 😉



  1. […] a letter to a very dear friend of mine when he had an opportunity to travel abroad as part of work. Dear Best Friend was thus adjudged as the Spicy Saturday Pick by Blogadda. They say I come up with some lovely […]


  2. […] Shalini What: “Dear Best Friend..” Spicy: This is a letter from a friend to her best friend. She is thanking her for being a different […]


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