A to Z of Me #MondayMusings #DailyChatter

Hola, peeps! During my month long break, I came across a fun blog post at Sanch’s named A to Z of Me, stating 26 random facts about oneself. I so wanted to take the plunge then, but couldn’t. So, here I am, confessing! 🙂

A- Age: 28

B- Biggest fear: Death of loved ones before mine

C- Current time: 9:09 p.m.

D- Drink you last had: Cardamon tea. I’m a coffee person, but I love my occassional cup of tea.

E- Every day starts with: A prayer, followed by having a cup of luke warm water with lime juice and honey. The former has been adhered to since I was kid and the latter began three days ago. I have now braved myself to putting on my running shoes, take a walk, cycle and dance.

F- Favourite Song: Unable to pick just one! These days I could be seen humming along the lines- “Moh Moh Ke Dhaage“.

G- Ghosts, are they real? No idea! But I’m shit-scared of horror movies!

H- Hometown: Trivandrum, Kerala.

I- In love with: dance, books and travel!

J- Jealous of: my old self- carefree and skinny! 🙂

K- Killed someone: Yes, more than once…in my head.

L- Last time you cried: A week ago when my Dad teased me. Oh, yes, I’m extremely sensitive when it comes to family and friends.

M- Middle name: Nothing

N- Number of siblings: One

O- One wish: A dance show!

P- Person you last called: My husband- to guide him to buy vegetables and grocery 🙂

Q- Question you’re always asked: Why do you sound like a 7-year old? (as if I know!!!)

R- Reason to smile: It’s all about the lil’ things in life! ❤

S- Sounds that annoy you: Chewing and burpping!

T- Time you woke up: 7!

U- Underwear colour: Black

V- Vacation destination: a) Favourite so far: Male and Rajasthan b) Wish List: Kashmir, Greece, Paris!

W- Worst habit: Not completing a task in hand.

X- X-Rays you’ve had: My tooth. Nothing else, Thank God! 🙂

Y- Your favourite food: Sizzlers and food made by Mamma!

Z- Zodiac sign: Piscean- Passionate, Compassionate, Intuitive, Mysterious, Gentle and Sensitive. I qualify them all.

Would you like to take this on?

If so, do share yours in the comment session or write a post and let me know!

I am participating in the Blog Marathon and it’s a half marathon!


The post is a part of Blog Marathon challenge I am taking up with Blogchatter .


  1. inquisitivegeet says:

    Hey.. I just finished writing it. Check it out here :


    Thanks for the inspiration 🙂



  2. I had so much fun reading your blog post, Shalini that I took up this tag too!:)


  3. Now that’s an interesting tag 🙂
    Loved knowing so much more about you and may your one wish be granted soon. Amen!


  4. B is my fear too :’)


  5. This post …
    and many of them were so nice
    That kill one, honey one, phone one

    And Rajasthan is waiting for you :*
    Voice like 7 year old 😂😂 well than you speak sweetly


  6. This one seemed like a lot of fun. My morning also starts with a cup of hot water mixed with honey and lime juice. it is refreshing.


  7. Looks like fun. I’ll try this tomorrow 🙂


  8. Loved the post.Your last phone call made me smile.Kashmir I visited in June .Paris and Greece also on my wish list. Very pretty pic.


  9. inquisitivegeet says:

    That was an interesting read. You’re truly a fun person. And I’d be glad to take up this.. But will do it for tomorrow’s post 🙂



  10. This is nice…like to try it



  1. […] 21, 2016 I came across this interesting theme A-to-Z of me, stating 26 random facts about me on Shalini’s and Geetika’s blogs and thought of taking it up. Thus, here I […]


  2. […] it in fiction or in other posts, the tone has been a bit heavy of late. I saw this in Shalini’s blog yesterday, and thought it’d be perfect to lighten the mood a little. I’ve done a similar A to Z […]


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