Paired Forever

It’s a WOW Post!!!!!!



This post is part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. Your post must revolve around ‘two material things that normally are paired together’., I had left a sticky note on “Things-to-buy” on the refrigerator before I left for work. I knew at the back of my mind, that P would take notice of it and would definitely go shopping.

And the one thing on priority was Shampoo-Conditioner. I had clearly jotted down the “Brand name” too. I was running out of’em and I had a party to attend to, the same night. I was all happy and jubilant throughout work, pondering over the new dress and the hairstyle that I was going to flaunt. True that I couldn’t decide on whether I should go chic, classy, funky, laid back, glamorous or pretty, but I wanted to look all chipper myself.

Fotor032293444  And what awaits me when I reach home??- a lonely bottle of Shampoo!! “But where’s the Conditioner? I asked you to buy a Conditioner too”, I screamed at P for letting me down. I was absolutely aghast to hear him say, “What’s a conditioner?? I thought you need only a shampoo to wash your hair. Who on earth uses a conditioner? What does it do???”

I didn’t know whether to laugh at his innocence or pity myself for not giving proper instructions. (You can’t blame me! How could I imagine him not knowing about Conditioner? ). I couldn’t make him understand that Shampoo-Conditioner is just like what Bread is to Butter, Pen is to Paper or Salt is to Pepper. I somehow managed to dress up and be at the party. Alas, I looked like I had just come out from a grave.



  1. hahaha… loved the “just come out from the grave” bit! Enjoyed reading it 🙂


  2. Lovely one, Shalini.
    So nicely accompanied with all the pics…the last one is deadly! After that look & all the comments at the party, P will never forget the Conditioner!!!


  3. Love the illustrations and what can I say about men. All of them are hopeless :p


  4. Oh.. and P would never forget the conditioner, ever again..would he have the guts to see you like ‘out from the grave’ again??


  5. SachinManan says:

    wonderful … loved it… this is outstanding



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